Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Vauvert to Villetelle 4/5/22


Bonjour.  What a day! It was definitely a day with more stories than photos.  It was a day that totally restored my faith in my fellow human beings. People are so angry in our country over politics that it is good to be away from the hatefulness.

I started out confidently with my little signs and thought.  Whoohoo things are going well.

I walked through the countryside and farmers and laborers waved at me.  These guys were planting lettuce.  It looked so fresh and green

And what is not to like about this little guy.  Practically a newborn.  Mom was close by and eying me suspiciously.  And then when I got into my first town - Codogan - lost.  I love towns and I hate them because they always seem to be poorly marked. I wandered round and round for thirty minutes trying to find the trail markers.

I walked past this pizza restaurant three times and finally decided to go in and get a Coca-Cola Zero.  I had my phone and I could see the streets but I couldn't find the trail. I asked several people on the street and no one seemed to know.  The owner was soooo nice.  He put his password into my phone and let me search the internet.  Finally, I asked him and he walked me down the block and made sure that I knew where to go. My first Camino Angel.

At about the nine-mile point - a miracle - a bar.  My feet practically danced with joy.  Actually, I was feeling bone on bone and the best I could do was not limp.  It was a town - lost again and my phone signaled that it was low in battery. Oh, #$@.  This time I walked about a mile and a half in the wrong direction.  Asked several people and passed by a clinic that may have been the psych ward.  A wild-haired elderly woman  - an escapee? - pointed me in one direction  This woman was a little strange. Then I saw another woman who pointed me in the opposite direction.  About that time - I spotted a young couple with a cute little baby named Hazel.  I had to stay a distance from them because they had COVID. They started to help me.

This is the kindest, loveliest, nicest Camino Angel of my trip.  Her English was excellent and she must have walked two miles out of her way to show me the route to Villetelle. I was way off the trail.  I love this girl.  We chatted about all kinds of interesting things on the way. There is a special place in heaven for her. And just as she left me, I spotted the red and white markers.

About a hundred yards later I spotted this cross.  Thank you Jesus for answering my prayers. I still had a ways to go but at least I knew where I was going.

I have never been so happy to see a sign in my life.  Well, except for that twenty-four-mile day on my last trip.  But I had one more Angel to go.  I got to the town square and couldn't find the hotel where I was staying.  I saw a very handsome, well-dress man of a certain age (say 75) and I asked him about the hotel. He pointed me back the way I came and when I got about 20 yards away, he motioned me back.  He had stopped his buddy in an LG & E type truck. They tried to explain and I looked confused. I wasn't faking it.  The man in the truck pointed at the passenger seat and I hoped in. Turns out it was off the Camino about a mile or so, maybe more.  He even called the owner to come and open the gate which was locked.  
What a day of Angels.  Don't EVER say to me that the French people aren't nice.  I might not have given me a ride.  I was hot and tired and my boots were muddy.  I looked much more like a homeless woman.  I even had my hair in two ponytails - Pippy Longstocking style.

Dinner was certainly worth it.  The Lady of the Manor appeared to be of Indian descent and she made this wonderful pumpkin? soup.  See that little plate just to the left of the soup.  That was a fried, flakey pastry filled with beef and cheese and spices. Lip-smacking wonderful.

Dinner was chicken curry over Indian Rice.  The curry was well-seasoned with exotic spices but not peppery hot.  I think the rice may have had coconut in it and for sure coconut milk.  Yum. Rather a surprising French meal but I'd like two more to go.

I declined dessert - stuffed - but I did sample this quality cheese course.

My total miles today - 17.1.  Good thing I was feeling pretty peppy when I started because I had no pep left when I finished. So off to bed for me.  Goodnight and sweet dreams.

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