Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Motara to Garlasco 8/15/23

I got a late start today.  The man who owns last night's B&B was very talkative but interesting.  

Before I left Motara, I went to Santa Croce, a Renaissance-style Roman Catholic Basilica church.  The original church at the site was founded in 1080. 

I said my prayers for guidance in today's walk and prayers for my friends and family.

There was only one stained glass window.

Such unusual growths on this tree.

This what the entire day looked like.

I did have to walk the plank.  I kept thinking if I fell in it would feel amazing.

With 3 miles to go, I went through Tromello.  I had just emptied the last of my water.  I started with 2 liters (68 oz) in my water bladder and 20 oz in my water bottle. God was merciful!  As I rounded the corner - a BAR! I drank 2 Coke Lights and refilled my water bottle.

Tromello had cool paintings on many of the buildings.

Finally with just a short distance to go, I hit some shade and walked along a big canal.  It was beautiful and considered jumping in but I was afraid I wouldn't be able to get out.

I finally made it to the Hotel Il Pino.  I had to wait about 20 minutes in the hot sun for the hotel manager to come let me in. It was 94 degrees and I was so hot that the owner immediately gave me a cold bottle of water. There is no bad day on the Via Francegina but this had it trials.

Dinner made up for the whole day. The photo makes it look like a bar but it was really an elegant restaurant and quite popular.

I had gnocchi alla Sorentino which just means gnocchi of the Sorento region.  I had no clue as to what I was getting.  The ghocchi was light as a feather in a tomato cheese sauce.  It was delicioso. 

And in the way of Italy, my salad came afterwards. I was too full for dessert.

So tomorrow is another long hot day but I think I will be getting out of the rice fields.  Hallajuah!

Good night to you all and God bless.


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